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Jean-Marc Berthoud

Jean-Marc Berthoud (behr-tÅ«) was born in 1939 in South Africa from Swiss missionary parents and lives in Lausanne, Switzerland. He is married to Rose-Marie and they have five children and eight grandchildren. He holds Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Arts with Honours degrees in history and English literature from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg in the Republic of South Africa. Between 1960 and 1964 he undertook research in colonial history (on the first modern genocide of five million Africans killed in the Congo basin between 1880 and 1914) at the Sorbonne and the University of London.


Jean-Marc was stopped abruptly by God on the platform of the Neuchâtel Railway Station in the spring of 1966, and came to Christ as a direct result of reading The Treatise on Scandals by John Calvin, out of an enthusiastic interest in the great Reformer’s French style! His conversion led to the immediate abandonment of a promising academic career. To earn his living and raise a large family, Jean-Marc worked first as a gardener (for five years), then as a railroad porter (for ten years) and finally as a part-time manual postal employee (for twenty-three years). Since 2004 he has been professionally retired.


For many years he was the editor of the reviews Résister et Construire and Documentation chrétienne. He presided over the Association vaudoise de Parents chrétiens and the Association Création, Bible et Science. For over twenty years, he was director of a collection of books Messages for the Ã‰ditions l’Âge d’Homme, and ran a Christian bookshop, La Proue. He helped launch the first republication since the sixteenth century of the works of the great French Swiss Reformer, Pierre Viret. He is the author of a soon-to-be-published multi-volume Commentary of the Ten Commandments through the Whole Bible, and he is currently working on a Commentary of the Book of Revelation in Light of the New and Old Testaments, in conjunction with a multi-volume Covenantal History of the Church in the World. 



Books by Jean-Marc:

  • Une Religion sans Dieu – Les Droits de lˈHomme contre lˈEvangile (Religion Without God – Human Rights Against the Gospel)

  • Calvin et la France – Genève et le déploiement de la Réforme au XVIe Siècle (Calvin and France – Geneva and the Development of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century)

  • Des Actes de lˈÉglise – Le Christianisme en Suisse Romande (The Acts of the Church – Christianity in French-speaking Switzerland)

  • Apologie pour la Loi de Dieu (In Defense of God’s Law)

  • Lˈécole et Familie contre lˈUtopie (School and Family Against Utopia)

  • L’Alliance de Dieu (The Covenant of God)

  • Création, Bible et Science (Creation, Bible and Science)

  • Mysticisme dˈhier et dˈaujourdˈhui (Mysticism, Yesterday and Today) – Rose-Marie Berthoud and Jean-Marc Berthoud

  • Le règne terrestre de Dieu  Ì¶  Du Government de Notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ  ̶ Politique, Nations, Histoire et Foi chrétienne (The Reign of Jesus-Christ Today  ̶  On the Government of Our Lord Jesus-Christ  ̶  Politics, Nations, History and the Christian Faith)

  • LˈAlliance de Dieu à travers lˈÉcriture Sainte  ̶  Une Théologie biblique (The Covenant of God through Holy Scripture  ̶  A Biblical Theology)

  • Edited by Jean-Marc: Révolution et Christianisme – Une Appréciation Chrétienne de la Révolution Française (Revolution and Christianity – A Christian Approach to the French Revolution)

  • Edited by Jean-Marc: Jean Calvin: après 500 ans (John Calvin: After 500 years)












Contact Jean-Marc:
PO Box 468
1001 Lausanne, Switzerland
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